(Minecraft) Is it possible to enter the location instead of the coordinates to teleport?


As an example: Is it e.g. Possible that instead of "/ tp -1430 76 563" I can enter e.g. "/ tp at home" to teleport myself. Is that somehow possible with command blocks, or is it even possible?


Maybe it is possible with plugins, with commands or otherwise, I don't think it works.


This is not directly possible as there are thousands of villages to which you could teleport yourself.

If you just want to find the next village you can simply enter "/ locate village" and it will show you the coordinates


I think bukkit allows otherwise no Minecraft itself only controls coordinates.


I think you actually need a bukkit.

Minecraft Vannilla does not work without it.

But if you want to find certain structures you can enter yes / locate (name), then the coordinates of the next appear and you can port yourself there.