Minecraft Ray Tracing for the Java version?


I want to buy Minecraft. However, I can't decide whether to buy the Java or win 10 version. Since I have a rtx2060, I would like to play mc with ray tracing, as it should be released soon. However, I read that ray tracing will only be available for the win10 version. Own I wanted to get the Java version because it supposedly gives you a code that gives you the win10 edition for free. Should I buy the Java or win10 version?


because you can already use RayTracing there (which was developed by players and not by Mojang). See "SEUS PTGI". I personally also find it much nicer than the ray tracing for win10 developed by Mojang.

In addition, most people play the Java Edition on the PC.

And no, you haven't had a key for the win10 edition for 2 years.


OK thanks! Is this "SEUS PTGI" free?


Normally costs tens. Respectively. 10 / month if you always want to have the latest version. See Sonic Ether's Patreon.

But older versions of it can already be found on YouTube:


Thanks for taking your time, but think there's a free version too, haha


Nope. However, I also strongly doubt that RayTracing for the Win10 edition will then be free of charge. With the Win10 edition you have to pay for skins.

And I think it will take some time until they finish this.
