What do you hope for a Minecraft update after the Hills and Cliffs?


I personally hope for an end update


Maybe revise the normal biomes a bit. New trees or something like that.


Even if I hardly ever use it, I'm hoping for new redstone machines as well as redstone connections. With that I would really like to try things out with it.

But maybe a renewal of the dragon island would be nice, it is getting pretty boring


In fact, it has already been announced that something like baobabs etc. Should come into play


I think an end update would be cool too. I would also like new ores for armor, weapons, etc. And new biomes, trees, blocks and mobs and structures.


I hope that there will be a biom update for every biome so something new at jungel and maybe frogs at the swamp and that for the main biomes


We already know what the update will bring. However, I would find an extension of the end (new biomes, ender ore (e.g. Ender iron ore)) also cool. An expansion of the combat system would also be good, e.g. New items and new functions and enchants for shovels and pickaxes.

I think new animals for different biomes would be good, so that you don't always find pigs and sheep in every forest, swamp or plain. (Also bio-dependent animals).

Villager variants (e.g. In the igloo) would also be good. As well as different personalities (e.g. Fearful, shy, stingy (he does not give anything away), strong, weak).