Is there a way to find out my number and credit card numbers with the following information?


I recently played Minecraft with someone who said he can find out my number and credit card number. He also said he won't do anything with it, we've been playing zsm every day for about half a year and I can trust him, so that's not the point. I just wanted to know if this was real or not. He knows my full name, the country where I live and which class I go to (so which year)

Can he find out with the information? Or does he need more, if so what? He said he could tell me tomorrow, that was supposed to take a while.


If you have no / hardly any social media where you do not provide your information


There are actually tools that try different approaches such as Find out more about the person from your phone number. But how does it work depends on how active you are on the internet in social media etc.