As a mobile phone player (Minecraft) can you gamble with whom zsm is playing on the PC?


As a mobile phone player (Minecraft) can you gamble with whom zsm is playing on the PC?


If the PC player has the Bedrock Edition then it is possible


If the PC has the Windows 10 edition then yes


As a mobile phone player, you can play with people who are using Minecraft Windows 10 Edition. It doesn't work with people from the Java Edition.


If you have the Bedrock Edition, it's very easy. Then you just have to add yourself as friends on Xbox and he can join your world.

If they only have the Java Edition, then it's a little more complicated.

Then the person has to create a Java edition server with the server software Spigot or Paper and install the plugin on it. Then you can play with him from your mobile phone.

There are enough tutorials on YouTube on how to create such a server. If that's too complicated I recommend Aternos. This is a website where you can create a server for free. They also offer the necessary GeyserMC plug-in.

Register, create server, select Paper as server software, then install the GeyserMC plug-in. Finished. Now just start the server, give your friend the server address, and join the server.


Depending on the version.

with the Java version this is only possible indirectly