I have the mouse myself, I play minecraft and don't understand what's so popular about it, it's a normal mouse, I think you can't wear it at all and the mouse only makes 6-7 clicks with one click and you can't butterfly because the buttons are so tight does everyone find on this mouse?
Computer rats usually don't last long when playing games.
It's like an electric car and a gasoline engine. Both driving inside is a different technology.
I do not understand
A chair is not exactly a chair. A Baarhocker is not a PC gamer chair. Each Mous has standard and special functions. I have a gamer mouse. You can't compare 120 euro with normal. More ergonomic, more sensitive. Continuous fire. More options.
The different sizes are best for women's hands. Or construction workers hands. Children's hands. With cable or battery.
I have it myself and I just think it's awesome. You can put weights in and out and you have 2 buttons on the side.