Video Games] Minecraft - Enderman Spawner in Vanilla Survival?


I have such a strange memory of Gronkh's Minecraft LP. I remember that he was in a cave and on a hill was an Enderman Spawner and some Enderman stood around it. But I don't think Enderman Spawner was ever in Vanilla Minecraft unless you used commands or something. Am I wrong? Was there Enderman Spawner in the regular game? I'm really amazed at this "memory".


I can also remember it but actually there should also be an Endermann spawner.


In the first 200 episodes, there were not even end terms. Only around 300. And no, Endermen Spawner has never existed before.


Oh okay! Then I was wrong about that. Try to adjust that.


Oh wow! I'm glad I'm not alone with that! Do you know what the episode was about? Can you describe your memory of it in more detail?


Sure it was the Vanilla LP? There was never Enderman Spawner there.

In Life in the Woods I wouldn't be surprised if there was any mod that brought this into play.


Oh no. The memory is far too old for "Life in the Woods". It was in his normal Minecraft LP.