My minecraft always crashes with forge. With the exit code -1.
Who can read the crash report and how can I write it in here?
So not with copy paste
What operating system are you playing on?
Maybe something is running in the background that crashes it. Maybe you save the most important and reinstall Forge
So if the Forge smeared when I started Minecraft, it was due to my old PC, which couldn't handle the modpack. Chisels & Bits is a candidate, the individual textures eat up a lot of performance.
Windows 10
Then I don't know either. On Ubuntu there are often problems with the launcher. (also with exit code 1)
It may not be the right code. To find out, go to Settings in the launcher and check the box next to Open output log as soon as games are started.
If the "Minecraft game output" window opens when starting, remove the checkmark from info. At the bottom there should be an exit code (marked in red).
If there's the same error code, 1 or 0, let the run through and try again.
If it doesn't start after that, download and install the modpack there.