Is it important to brew potions in Minecraft?
You don't need any potions to play it through, and it wastes blazerods on top of that
Potions are excellent just for exploring underwater dungeons.
Are not really important. Can bring something in pvp, but not really in pve. Could only imagine fire resistance, if you know you like to fall into lava in the Nether.
Feel free to brew potions or anything else, but if you're planning on playing through Minecraft, most of them are useless except for the healing potions. They can help you well in boss fights, but otherwise they are unnecessary and only take up time
It depends: In hardcore it is recommended against bosses or in dungeons
Otherwise not really… It is very interesting to know how what works, but is not necessary because there's a workaround for everything (e.g. Door underwater) or something that lasts longer (e.g. Stronger equipment) … They also need a lot of inventory space because they can't be stacked…
Ah wanted to add: They are not useless or weak, in my opinion just a bit annoying to handle because the maximum duration of action is 8 minutes (not sure) and you can't take that many with you if you want to loot something… They are strong But still, with strength you can add another 30% damage to a fully enchanted equipment!