I would like to buy or rent a server where there are more people than you normally know. I'm looking for servers for DayZ, Minecraft and GTA 5 (with mods). And besides, there are also some popular Minecraft servers like GommeHD or Hypixel, to name just two
On a root server, you can install as much as you want and set as many slots as you would like.
What is a root server?
Why do you actually need 1k slots? All servers do it with bugecord and furthermore the 1k Slot servers are only for Supremium players. But you could rent 1k slot servers, but they are expensive (30 days = 488 euro). XD
But for so many players you need a good deal of Ram and four (overpriced) Xeons.
But my question is where.
And what are Xeons?
The overpriced server CPUs from Intel.
Why is that so expensive? And why do not 1000 slots make any other providers?
Popular servers are characterized by content first, not by the number of slots.
Because slots are RAM dependent and RAM costs a lot of money…
Somehow it's true, but DDR4 Ram will soon be cheaper if DDR5 Ram comes next year.
Because it evntl. Not worth it?
RAM is the only thing you have to pay dearly at the server, whether DDR 4 or DDR 5 …
And with Minecraft, each slot needs at least 100 MB if you do not use plugins…
Thus, 1000 slots need at least 100 GB of RAM and this must first be paid…
The Xeon's are not the expensive ones at 1000 slots…
And set and use are also 2 pairs of different shoes…
You can also set 1 million slots, but you can use a maximum of 10 slots with 1GB RAM…
Yes, you can do it, but MC will not be fun then.