Command block in Minecraft repeated kill?


Hi, I stupidly made a repeat command block with / kill.

How can I make it go away again? I get killed every 200 milliseconds.


First go to creative mode and then destroy the command block

That should solve your problem


I'm killed every millisecond. You can neither write nor do anything. The whole thing HAS to be done externally


Use the Fill command. So

/ fill ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 ~ 100 ~ 100 air replace command_block

That should replace all command blocks within a 1000 block radius with air.


I'm killed every millisecond. You can neither write nor do anything…


Unfortunately, you can't replace millions of blocks with air. In addition, this command is only executed on x and z, and not on the y coordinate. In addition, only in one direction.


Simply switch off the command blocks on a server. In single player mode, the world is in ars.h


You could try to change the game mode externally.


You will also be killed in the creative with this command


What I can think of would be to copy the world and load it into a vanilla server, where command blocks are deactivated, and then dismantle the command block.


Change your Minecraft name so the command block doesn't kill you XD


Well for the method I use you need the NBT Explorer.

If you have it then just open it. You should have arrived at the file from saves from minecraft. There are all worlds. Then you look for the world in which you are doing it and press the small pulse in the front left. Then you should see Level.dat. Open that again, and then also open the version. The first thing that should be there should be allowCommand. And change the 1 to a 0.

Oh and it is important that the minecraft world is not open. I don't know if it works otherwise.


That's how it worked, thank you


You can leave the world