Which programming language is best for a newbie?

- in Plugins

I would like to learn programming because I have been interested in it for a long time.

However, during my research, I couldn't make a decision as to which language was best to start with, because somehow everyone recommended a different one.
I would also be interested in where it is smartest to learn the language (book, online, etc.).

When asked what the language should be suitable for, my answer is that I want to understand the system behind it, and I may be able to program smaller programs with the language (- Maybe Minecraft plugins?).

Which system would you recommend (-Win10, Kali Linux, MacOS) to use / learn the language?


For starters, I would recommend Python, not too complicated and you can do a lot with it.

I bought an entry-level book at the beginning


Well, in the end it depends on what you want to do.

If it is e.g. B. Visual Basic Script would be a start for everything related to Microsoft Office.

When it comes to games like Minecraft, it depends on what language is needed there. Java possibly (not to be confused with "JavaScript")

In web programming, PHP or Pearl is the focus.

Generally, I always hear that Python is not bad for beginners.

The operating system is not important for now.


I would start with python or processing.

It is easy and you quickly get results.

If you take processing, programming in Minecraft is also covered, since Minecraft is developed in Java, on which processing is based.

Which system would you recommend (-Win10, Kali Linux, MacOS) to use / learn the language?

Depends on the language. But no potash! This is designed for experts to attack systems, not for beginners who just want to program a little.


I would advise you to start with C # (CSharp).

The language is really very simple, there are a lot of online courses + documentation on Microsoft.

The best thing is you can do the following things with it:

ASP => Create online websites
WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) you can program Windows windows, i.e. Windows applications / programs.
You can also write "normal" console applications.
Matching Visual Studio as a development environment.

Of course you can also start with Python or something, but you don't have as extensive programming options as Windows programs.


(…) Because somehow everyone recommends another one.

And that won't change, no matter how often the question is asked.

I would also be interested in where it is smartest to learn the language (book, online, etc.).

It depends on the language. Good material can't be found for every medium.

(…) That I want to understand the system behind it, (…)

Which system? Do you mean operating systems?

If you learn a language at all, you will get a basic understanding of how programs are structured over time. Based on this, you can still deal specifically with the topic of OS, there's also a lot of literature about it.

(…) - Maybe Minecraft plugins too?).

Java would be suitable for this.

Which programming language is best for a newbie?

I personally recommend processing. Lamanini has already identified a few advantages. In my answer from I have already dealt with this in more detail and have also linked suitable sources for learning. You can take a look at a few interesting reference projects in advance https://www.openprocessing.org/browse/#.

A later switch to Java then opens up further areas of application (e.g. Web development, Minecraft plugin programming, etc.). Read about good learning sources for Java.

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