Minecraft plugin coding?

- in Plugins

I'm currently coding a Minecraft Troll plugin.

I have already successfully blocked the / stop command

however, / reload and / restart are not possible to block

the command is marked as a plug-in command

So / help does not say / restart but / myplugin: restart


What exactly do you mean by "blocking"? And if you mean that you can no longer do it, why should you do that?


Your code would be nice. Basically, I can tell you: Catch the command in the PlayerCommandPreProcessEvent and ask whether the command is your command to be blocked and then cancel the event.


By blocking I mean exactly that, I want that the command can no longer be executed or there's no reaction to the command that means no restart but a text e.g. Haha YOU CAN'T RESTART


So non-ops shouldn't anyway, otherwise I agree with SALEGAMERMC's answer.