Minecraft bungee clan system with suffix?

- in Plugins

I've been looking for a clan plugin for a while now and still haven't found anything.

I need a clan plugin which I can install on my Bungeecord server!

It should have the function that you have a suffix as a player (in the tablist) e.g. Owner XYZ [LOL] - This is the parentheses should be the clan name. The plugin should only change the suffix and not anything else, because I use the plugin Nametagedit to display the ranks in the tablist!

The plugin should also support a mysql database because I have a template / default system!

I could also agree on a plugin for Spigot but I would prefer a bungee cord! If this is not possible with the tablist, it would also be ok if it is in the chat e.g. Owner XYZ [LOL]


Get a developer


You'd better do that with Spigot and msql!


Yes ok, but do you know a plugin for it?