Hsb no longer feel like azf the "normal" Minecraft and wants to get me n client.
Which one should i take?
About me, I rarely play PvP but rather city build, survival etc.
I thought so of Labymod.
What should i take.
I play a lot of CityBuild myself, so I recommend LabyMod!
Why should a client change the game?
It still remains normal Minecraft
Yes, but I mean due addons
So I got the last Lunar Client and Badlion Client. Both are really cool.
Personally, I use LunarClient, which for me is much clearer and I also like it more.
The Badlion Client is also okay, but all settings and mods are mixed up. The advantage is: you have a free emote!
So I would recommend the LunarClient to you.
I would recommend Badlion to you. I use it myself every time I play Minecraft and it is very helpful. (Btw. I mostly play on City Build Servers myself)
You can set many things such as the shelf life of your Rüssi, CPS, FPS and something like toggle sprint or something similar.
It is really highly recommended, the only thing that bothers me a little is that the game takes a little longer to land.