Why don't the permission levels work on a Minecraft server?

- in Servers

I have a Minecraft server and Minecraft permission levels are not working. Players with permission level 2 can stop, ban and kick the server, etc. Why is that? Usually you shouldn't be able to stop the server with a level of 2.


What authorization levels do you mean?


Better use a reasonable permission system.


Yes, it's just a little bit complicated for me.


The one that can be set in the server.properties.


Then look at it. Offers MUCH more options. And with these problems you will no longer struggle. But with completely different ones.


Ok, thanks a lot dear XGamer11208. Which rights plugin do you recommend?



Of course you need a bukkit-based server system (I recommend PaperSpigot)

Check out a few tutorials. LuckPerms even has n web panels to edit


I can recommend you create a Spigot Server and then use the LuckPerms plugin. There are tutorials on YouTube, here is a detailed tutorial:

Of course, this is not the only permission system. Just search on Google yourself and it is very likely that there's a tutorial on YouTube for each plugin.


Many thanks. But to my question here! Why doesn't what I have described work?


I think I can help you. No one has properly understood your problem here. You mean the different stages of surgery. I'm going to insert a snippet of text here that you can use to see how it works. In the Server.propertise you only enter the default-op-level and not the level for the respective person. You should always do that directly in ops.json. You can determine the OP level individually for each user. You can also have a look here at what the individual OP levels do: https://nodecraft.com/support/games/minecraft/how-to-set-a-player-as-op-admin Good luck!

"uuid": "UUID",
"name": "playername1",
"level": 1,
"bypassesPlayerLimit": false
"uuid": "UUID",
"name": "playername2",
"level": 2,
"bypassesPlayerLimit": false
"uuid": "UUID",
"name": "player name3",
"level": 4,
"bypassesPlayerLimit": false


Thank you so much. The only problem is that I can kick and ban with level 2. I just don't understand why.


This feature has been around since Microsoft bought Mojang. Can't be a coincidence. Sometimes Windows doesn't work properly. So I wouldn't use this function because it probably won't work because it's from Microsoft. I have never used this function myself.


The problem is that Mojang predefined that. OP is really only to be used for special purposes and not for other users so that they can go game mode or something.

Prefix system? sp spleenPerch
Permission Ex Sponge? Mo Moises594