Minecraft Server Java is not working?

- in Servers

I have a minecraft server java on the pc from my dad now i have my own pc and wanted to mirror the server on it i pulled the now USB flash drive over me and that went when i opened the server now but it still works as i did then minecraft opened and wanted to play (the ip is also right) minecraft could not find the server


Server crashed right at the start?

What does the server log say?

If the server is running correctly:

Are they both running on the same PC? Then take this IP, and see if this works:


Probably the Java path in the batch file is wrong, so I'll check it out.


There's probably the IP with which you want to connect you wrong.

If your MC and the server are running on the same system you can take the (internal) IP of your PC.


To make things complicated, you can also join your localhost address. This is as follows: 127.x.x.x - whereby the x can be exchanged by numbers between 1 and 254 (255) eg. or