Invalid maximum heap size: Minecraft Server Raspberry PI 4?

- in Servers

I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB and wanted to set up a Minecraft server on it.

However, as soon as I want to start Minecraft with more than 2GB Ram, I get this error:

"Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4G

The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. "

I use these start arguments: "java -Xms1G -Xmx4G -jar server.jar", normally I still use screen, but I have removed this so that I can see the error message.

I have Java like on this website: ""

This is the confirmation:

"pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / minecraft $ java -version

openjdk version "11.0.9" 2020-10-20

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.9 + 11-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1)

OpenJDK Server VM (build 11.0.9 + 11-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1, mixed mode)

pi @ raspberrypi: ~ / minecraft $ javac -version

javac 11.0.9 "

So why is it now that I can only operate the Minecraft server with 2GB Ram?


I guess this is a 32bit Raspbian and / or the 32bit version of the JDK. This means that the RAM available for a process is limited (with Raspbian de facto to 3GB, although a JVM naturally needs more than just the Java heap).


Mhh okay… Is there a way to work around this?


Yes. A 64-bit operating system.


Okay thanks!