Minecraft server on pc can't start?

- in Servers

I'm trying to set up a minecraft server so I can play with my friends on it. But something does not work. This is in the console:

Loading libraries, please wait…

[05:16:22 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8

[05:16:22 INFO]: Loading properties

[05:16:22 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL

[05:16:22 INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-spigot-c3c767f-33d5de3 (MC: 1.8) (Implementing API version 1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

[05:16:22 INFO]: Debug logging is disabled

[05:16:22 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12

[05:16:22 INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO

[05:16:22 INFO]: Generating keypair

[05:16:22 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on overwatch.ddns.net:25565


[05:16:22 WARN]: The exception was: java.net.BindException: Can't assign requested address: bind

[05:16:22 WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port?

[05:16:22 INFO]: Stopping server

[05:16:22 INFO]: Saving players

> Press any key…

What should I do?


[05:16:22 WARN]: Perhaps a server is already running on that port?

Did you already run a server on 25565 over this network or did you start it twice?


No do not think so. How can I check something like that?


Is the server local or rented?


And if rented, it's a v or root server or a mc server directly


Starting Minecraft server on overwatch.ddns.net:25565

Did you choose to connect to overwatch.ddns.net?

That's wrong. There you have to enter the Local IP of the computer (probably 192.168.x.y or the local IPv6 address). Then the server should start.

So that you can connect from the outside, you have to forward the port in your router (for example, Fritzbox) to the PC, dyndns should also be set up in the router - but I suspect that is already set up there. Whether your friends can connect, but also depends on your Internet provider.


TCP and UDP is already free in the FritzBox and how can I find the local ip from my computer? And a friend said that the ip is constantly changing ao about once a week




Thank you


The public IP of the Fritzbox changes daily (or a restart of the Fritzbox). You can find that if you log in on the Fritzbox or if you call with a device from the network a page like https://www.wieistmeineip.de/.

The local address of the computer usually does not change, because the Fritzbox (by default) assigns the same devices the same local IPs. You can find in the Fritzbox on the home page (after logging in) and in the home network overview. On the PC you can do the following:

Win + R

Enter cmd and press Enter

Enter ipconfig and press Enter

Then the IP (Fritzbox default settings) should be 192.168.178.x - not confused with the default gateway - this is the Fritzbox.

Alternatively, you could also use, then Minecraft should actually depend on all IPs of the PC.


But only I can join as well as I can do that my friends can join?


On the Fritzbox under Internet → Shares → Port Sharing → Add Device port 25565 forward to your PC.

Then your friends should be able to connect if you give them your public IP (Exception: your Internetprovider uses DSLite and does not distribute real IPv4 addresses)

So you do not always have to give them the current IP, you can under

Internet → Shares → DynDNS set up a dynamic DNS provider.

Alternatively, you can set myfritz, then you get a fixed my-fritz address, but no one can remember.


've done with DynDNS now I should insert the now in the server properties under Server ip? Or where others can connect with it?



DynDNS ensures that under a fixed domain is always shown on your current public IP. From there the traffic is forwarded to your private IP.

DynDNS ensures that the Minecraft client finds your IP. The server does not have to know where the client has the IP from. So you do not have to do anything there.


So should I leave the field server ip empty?


You start the server so that you can connect to the LAN.

Dyndns and the port forwarding then ensure that you can connect from the outside - you do not have to change anything on the server.

The dyndns address must then enter your friends in the client when connecting.

Alternatively, you can give them a test as well as your public IP (the router) - which will change overnight, so it would not be a good long-term solution.


But the field server ip in the properties is empty or?


Leave empty should go. Alternatively, you could also specify your local IP (192.168.178.x). I would leave it empty. Then there are no problems, if you suddenly get a new local IP assigned.

Actually, you just have to enter something, if you want to run multiple servers on the same port on the same PC with different IPs.