What do you call this Minecraft hack?


I found a hacker who hit me without looking at me so he turned his back on me. What do you call the hack? Aimbot? Killaura?


The hack is called: "I'll keep studying for school now and I'll ask the question when I'm done".

And no, that is not meant to be bad, it is meant well.


A bit of gambling in my free time is not that bad, I have a 1.6 cut so…


Killaura punches everything that is around you in a certain area, sometimes through blocks

aimbot is good if you are bad at the bow, which calculates where the arrow lands and holds the bow at that height

(search online for the Inertia client, in my opinion that is the best client I have ever used, but you still need the fabric loader, not a fabric api

[download the installer, but you still have to enter a code that appeared at dosnload])


But it's school time, I know it's annoying, I have lessons now (just a break).


Oh yes, I just have a free time.


Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Maybe there are people who have homeschooling (like me) and maybe DONE already?

Thinking is a person's best gift, unfortunately it is not mastered by some


Well, I'm not saying against that.


SERIOUSLY?! I also do homeschooling…


Didn't actually want to hack myself but thanks, I now know what the hack is


Oh, xD

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