How do I find players for a Minecraft Varo?


How do I find players for a Minecraft Varo?


What is a Varo?


Ask the circle of friends, if anyone else is playing Minecraft. Otherwise there are definitely Minecraft forums or similar where you can ask such a question.


Varo is a minecraft project in which XY people "fight" on a grand scale (like hunger games in panem). The last survived wins.


What do you want to do? A separate server with Varo, on which the players play, or simply play Varo with other players?

If you have a server, everything ready, ready to play, advertise your server. Make him known, through posts in forums, through advertising on YT, etc. But for this your server must be ready and play.

If you do not have a finished server then you need to set it up first, plug in plugins, etc. (lots of work if it's going to be alright). And only then can you advertise.