How do you type that in correctly?


I want to be teleported to my house in Minecraft, now I'm not checking how to do that exactly.

Can someone please explain this using my coordinates?

My coordinates:

X: - 388.104

Y: 68.00000

Z: - 238.065

Slightly different coordinates:

X (72.1 / -11.7)

I have the Java Edition.

I know about / tp (player name), / teleport (player name) but I don't understand the rest.


After the name you just type in the x, y and z coordinates one after the other:

/ tp [name] -388 68 -238

You can also use / help or something to explain commands in the game to you. It may not have worked for you because you don't have to put commas but dots in English. Try that out ^^


/ tp (player name) X Y Z


/ tp (player name) (x-, y-, z- coordinates of your house)

All you have to do now is insert the coordinates of your house


/ tp 388 68 -238