How can I turn a flatland world into a normal world in Minecraft?

- in Worlds

I built something in a lowland world in Minecraft. Now I want to continue building the whole thing in a normal world. Is it somehow that the places where the flatland world is generated remains and the not yet loaded part continues as normal world?


As far as I know, this no longer works.

Have to create a whole new world.


No, unfortunately not


I used to go with Worldedit or something. But I'm not sure


Theoretically, it is possible to change the generator settings later, but you should not do this. The "normal world" would generate at level 64, the flat world at level 4, which creates many problems.

It would be easier if you install Forge and WorldEdit to copy your built from the flat world into a normal one.


Doesn't have to generate a new world


My lowland world happens to be at level 56