Merge Minecraft Command?


I need to merge a Villager Customtrades Command and a Knockback Stick for my MinecraftMap. Can anyone tell me where? Do not know me like that with the brackets. So:

A section / end of the Villagers-Commands:

… {buy: {id: emerald, Count: 5}, sell: {id: stick, Count: 1, tag: {display: {Name: "\" Knockback Stick \ ""}}}, maxUses: 9999999}] }}

And the Knockback Stick Command:

/ give @p stick {Unbreakable: 1, Enchantments: [{id: knockback, lvl: 1}]}

I just thought, it has to be merged:

… {buy: {id: emerald, Count: 5}, sell: {id: stick {Unbreakable: 1, Enchantments: [{id: knockback, lvl: 1}]}, Count: 1, tag: {display: { Name: "\" Knockback Stick \ ""}}}, maxUses: 9999999}]}}

… Does not work.

I have no idea of this, can anyone answer the question?


I think you have to insert Properties: {…}.