How do I program Minecraft hack clients?


A little while ago I decided, despite no programming experience, to program my own Minecraft hack client.

First I looked at tutorials on YouTube, which are from 2 years ago at the earliest and only refer to older versions (1.8.8) and not to ad-on clients such as the Badlion Client or Lunar Client. I would also like to create an external client. All of this is probably way too much to start with, but in my opinion practical learning is the best way to learn.

Therefore I would very much appreciate it if someone would agree to introduce me to programming with Java and possibly also to teach more extensive.


On Youtube you can find enough tutorials about Java that convey all the basics and partly also advanced things. Have a look at "Programming-Start" as well as at "The Morpheus Tutorials", the tutorial series from morpheus is far more extensive, but it is always good to have some things explained a second time elsewhere.

There's also the hacking client "liquidbounce" which is open source. So what you can do if you are not keen on programming from the start or are still learning is to build a modified version of liquidbounce or to use pieces of code from it in your project.


Not at all!

Hacking in the sense of: addressing the server in an unintended manner and thereby causing it to malfunction or crash is a criminal offense.

Could end bitterly for you creating something that is intended to be used to commit criminal offenses.


Cheating in games is actually not a criminal offense in Germany. And if it were a punishable offense to address servers in an unplanned way, that would mean that you would be punishable by just messing around with Apis if you once sent an invalid request.

So it's not that simple.


He talks about hacking, not cheating.

Incorrectly addressing an API incorrectly is not hacking. Deliberately exploiting a bug to do something via the API that is not intended, yes.


In fact, cheating is also known as hacking, or game hacking, the word hacking has had many meanings in the past, even if most of these statements are theoretically incorrect, this is the slang usage.

It is also not a criminal offense, as you say, as long as you do not make unauthorized access to third-party servers or deliberately crash servers. Taking advantage of bugs is not actually not hacking, but exploiting, i.e. Using system errors to your advantage. This does not constitute a criminal offense for games in Germany either, but of course there are also possible uses of exploits that are punishable, but in this case this is not the case.