Sort Minecraft inventory?


I've been playing PvP for some time now, but I don't understand how accuracy sort my inventory quickly or sort the hitbar, as you know it from Youtubers. I know you can shift things, but how do I sort the hitbar quickly?


You can use the buttons 1,2,3 etc on an item to directly occupy the field in the hotbar


You can also use the hotkeys you have for the slots to place an item on the slot in the inventory.

For example, if you have the "C" key for the 6th slot and go to an item in the inventory with the mouse pointer and then press "C", the item will be placed on your 6th slot


If you mean sorting in Soup-PvP like e.g. Basti does, then you have to press Shift and go over your inventory with e.g. Butterfly. Everything is sorted quickly into the hotbar