Looking for a specific Minecraft Command?


I'm looking for a way via Commandblocks, with which I can set a level as, for example, death point. For example, if I build a jump and run, and you fall down, then you should get back to the checkpoint at height (y): eg "7". Or other versions (eg Chat message etc pp.), So a kind: If - Then programming. Would be glad if someone has a tip.


/ setspawn @p X Y Z

If it should be for all players, there's a @a out. With / setworldspawn you set the point where everyone spawns at the start.


No, I do not want the spawnpoint at a certain point, but I want that when you're at a certain point, you're teleported back to the spawnpoint.


Oh, well, well, but if you die, the command is pretty good ^^


I would do it this way:

First, make a blindfold armor stand with a tag:

Small and with diamond block on the head:

/ summon minecraft: armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags: ["Checkpoint"], Invisible: 1, Invuable: 1b, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {id: "minecraft: diamond_block", Count: 1b} ], Small: 1b}

or Big without something on:

/ summon minecraft: armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags: ["Checkpoint"], Invisible: 1, Invisible: 1b}

Then the checkpoint by now everytime I go over a diamond block is teleported to me:

/ execute as @p at @s if block ~ ~ -1 ~ minecraft: diamond_block run tp @e [tag = checkpoint] @p

And last, create a room by teleporting back to the armor stand:

Create a room:

/ execute as @p at @s if entity @s [x = -179, dx = 10, y = 64, dy = 10, z = -72, dz = 10] run tp @p @e [tag = checkpoint, limit = 1]

where x =, y = and z = are you can determine the corner of the room and at the

dx, dy and dz do you determine the length (in my example now 10 blocks in one direction)

or from eg y = 0 to y = 7:

/ execute as @p at @s if entity @s [y = 0, distance = .7] run tp @p @e [tag = checkpoint, limit = 1]


This is for Minecraft 1.13+


Is there a variant for 1.8.9 or do you know a plugin? (Is a server)


With plugins I do not know myself but with commands, it just does not stop with because the command structure in 1.13 is different than before


But since it's on a server I'd rather recommend a plugin.

If you need it for Suvival write me.


Not quite what you are looking for, but can't you just baiieren under the JumpnRum pack and test with execute whether there's a Baierre under the player?

The user sees nothing of it, and it is much easier to implement. Auserdem there's then no more danger that users cheat through lags by the "fallback" level, since they can't go deeper than the Baiierrer…