Minecraft Damage?


I would like to increase the damage I do with a wooden sword. Actually, that shouldn't be difficult because Minecraft allows reprogramming, but I just can't find the file in which the damage to the wooden sword is saved. Coincidentally, who knows where she is so that I can tinker with it a little? All of this is of course only for the purpose of sciencexD.


Maybe with an enchantment


With these https://blockbench.net/tools/clg/index.php?c=l_control-damage%C2%A7%C2%A7rua%C2%A7x;+as+@a%C2%A7(tag=!holds_wooden_sword,nbt=%C2%A7c(SelectedItem:%C2%A7c(id:'%C2%A7mc;wooden_sword'%C2%A7c)%C2%A7c)%C2%A7)+run+tag+@s+add+holds_wooden_sword%C2%A7%C2%A7cua%C2%A7x;+as+@a%C2%A7(tag=holds_wooden_sword%C2%A7)+run+attribute+@s+%C2%A7mc;generic.attack_damage+base+set+20.0%C2%A7%C2%A7cua%C2%A7x;+as+@a%C2%A7(tag=holds_wooden_sword,nbt=!%C2%A7c(SelectedItem:%C2%A7c(id:'%C2%A7mc;wooden_sword'%C2%A7c)%C2%A7c)%C2%A7)+run+attribute+@s+%C2%A7mc;generic.attack_damage+base+set+2.0%C2%A7%C2%A7cua%C2%A7x;+as+@a%C2%A7(tag=holds_wooden_sword,nbt=!%C2%A7c(Se&c1=lectedItem:%C2%A7c(id:'%C2%A7mc;wooden_sword'%C2%A7c)%C2%A7c)%C2%A7)+run+tag+@s+%C2%A7rm;+holds_wooden_sword you can change the damage value of all wooden swords. To adjust the value, you have to change the 20.0 at the end in the 2nd command block. The value stands for half heart damage. The maximum value is 2048.0.

If you only want to do it for a certain value, you can omit all commands and give yourself the sword with the following give command:

/ give @p wooden_sword {AttributeModifiers: [{AttributeName: "generic.attack_damage", Name: "generic.attack_damage", Amount: 20, Operation: 0, UUID: [I; 1,1,1,1], Slot: "mainhand"}]} 1

Otherwise you can also achieve it with plugins or mods. Unfortunately, I have no idea about that.


Is that possible without a command? So stop that I change that for the entire game so that it is not just changed in the world.


Only with mods. Otherwise not, unfortunately


I don't think it's in a file, but rather in the source code.

You could do a hacked client, then you can change it. The class for wooden swords should be very easy to find, just search for "sword" or "wooden_sword".