I like to play Minecraft, often with hacks too. I have enough Gomme accounts, but I can't join any VPN, does anyone know a good one? P.S: I've already tried VyprVPN.
Gomme recognizes VPNs. Why do you even need this? Just restart your router and you will always get a new IP
Because I don't always want to restart my router.
Vpn doesn't bring you anything. When you restart your router, you will get a new IP.
I think Perfect Privacy has an option to use VPNs that are not recognized
But I don't want to keep restarting my router.
Then stop chopping? Zack, problem solved.
Well, I'll propose a solution to something that is forbidden one way or another, but something doesn't fit again. Have fun looking for a VPN that works (probably none).
How often will you be banned then please? 😂
Yes, if I obviously cheat?
That's something else that's against deep packet inspection, i.e. To circumvent state censorship. This is of no use against server-side VPN detection
Oh, what a shame
Try it with Nord VPN
Which router do you use?
There's an IP changer script for Fritzbox.
Otherwise, try SoftetherVPN.
It does not work.
Somehow I can't connect to softethervpn
The VPN network of this https://nordsecurity.com/team Panamanian mailbox company close to Lithuania, which buys its way into the rankings of the (serious) trade press (heise downloads) with up to 100% commission and impresses Swedish influencers with nine-digit subscribers on YouTube, is already blocked on Gomme. If you are looking for a decent VPN service, then just don't listen to the gossip from the trade press or from money-hungry influencers.
SoftetherVPN = garbage.
You don't need a VPN service to change your IP. All you have to do is restart the router.
For free you can't go wrong
It depends on the purpose.
The most secure VPN is and remains perfectprivacy
The most secure VPN is and remains perfectprivacy
But PP is not the most transparent VPN service. (see letter box companies)