Call via Discord (PC)?


My internet friend asked if we would like to call Discord & play Minecraft.

I have Discord on my PC but I don't know anything about it. So I know how to call someone and how to answer calls and stuff, but I don't know if I need anything else.

I have never made phone calls on my PC and I don't have my own microphone or headset.

Only normal headphones but no idea how to connect them and whether it works with them.
Do I need a headset or microphone for it or can I also use normal headphones? Because there's also a loudspeaker and how do you set that up?

Need answers as soon as possible because we want to start at 4pm.


If you just want to hear them, some speakers are enough. If you want to say something, of course you need a microphone…


Just put your headphones (no matter which) in your PC. That should be a round opening, possibly with "Output" on it.


You can't speak to anyone without a microphone.


You obviously need a microphone. How else should your voice get on the PC. But as soon as you have one you only have to connect it to your pc and discord should recognize your headset all by itself.


Maybe you have an internally installed microphone, then of course you can talk to her, the quality is not that good. With the normal headphones you can, if you plug them in correctly, prevent or reduce that your girlfriend hears yourself twice when she says something…