Is the Roccat Kone AIMO also worthwhile for beginners?


I got a gift of 100 euro from my aunt and I'm looking for a gaming mouse up to 70 euro, I came across the Roccat Kone AIMO. The design of the mouse looks beautiful, but the question is whether I'm a low end gamer ( i5-4570 DDR3 8gb, GTX 1050Ti, W10, 500 GB HDD need such a mouse at all. I play Apex Legends, League of Legends, Pubg, Modern Warfare (New), Cs Go, Minecraft. For my age (16) I have I rarely use small hands and the mouse buttons (Pubg, Minecraft, Cs GO), but at the moment I use a Speedlink mouse for about 17 euro from Saturn, because the mouse is only made of plastic, my hand is sticky and feels the mouse is rather uncomfortable. Is the mouse suitable for me or for my rather sweaty hands and easy to handle (whether the pressure points on the mouse feel good or the handle. Therefore I wanted to ask whether the mouse is worth it according to Amazon (price) Are you more for the white or black edition of yours I would be very interested in opinion.


I apologize for my spelling and grammar


Use it yourself and have more mixed feelings. What I find negative is that it is also almost made of plastic (but still relatively heavy) and the keys are "worn out" quickly.

It is positive that the RGB can be adjusted well via the software.

Which mouse to jitter? Bo BoardEmber
Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble