Minecraft colored writing in rainbow?


I want a colored tablist. Now my question: if I have different colors in a single word, then I have to sign & + after each single letter or for each letter at the beginning of the word 1 × &? And if the former, then I have to blank? And if so where? Hoping for answer


& 1R & 2e 3g & 4e & 5n & 6b & 7o & 8g & 9e 0n


You do it like this:

& F & aE & 2S & 4T

This would then output the word "TEST" in color.


Okay thanks


Okay, thanks


Yes, but what I wrote there's not really a rainbow at the end, because black, gray and light gray are also included.

& e = yellow

& f = white

& d = Pink


Just wanted to know the principle


Soo, you know the color codes.

If you put 1 then the permanent will stay until a new one comes

For example, & 4 Admin: 123 everything is red. If you want it colorful, you just have to change it.

The colors you can find out at Essenitials with / kit color, there you will find a color book.

Lg: Phillip

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Is in itself right, just rework the color codes again.