Minecraft 1.14 villagers mate but how does that work?


Minecraft 1.14 villagers mate but how does that work?


https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...a.com/Dorfbewohner" class="text-primary">https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...rfbewohner # proliferation

Villagers can testify villager children if there's no https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...a.com/Bett claimed in the https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/Dorf, for example because the https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...om/Spieler has built new beds, villagers who have claimed these beds are https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...ia.com/Tod or because villagers have left the village boundary.

In order for villagers to testify children, one of the following conditions must be met:

You have enough https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...om/Nahrung in your https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...m/Inventar (at least 3 https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...a.com/Brot or at least 12 https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/.../Kartoffel, https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...m/Karotten or https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...Rote_Bete). Here, the player can also help and throw the villagers this food.
The player has several successful https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...com/Handel and green stars https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...m/Partikel" class="text-primary">https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/...m/Partikel appear with you when a new offer is created.

If one of the conditions is met, this villager is ready to mate. If he finds a second villager, within a radius of 8 blocks ready to mate, or a villager who does not have enough food in his inventory, but he himself has enough food in his inventory to divide, then both villagers will look at each other and start to run into each other. If the two villagers are equal or closer than 2 blocks, hearts https://minecraft-de.gamepedia.com/Partikel will rise.

If both villagers are ready to mate, but not enough free beds in the village, then hearts will also rise particles, but after 10 seconds, each villager, the two, rise briefly storm clouds particles.

If both villagers are ready to mate and there are not claimed beds in the village, then after 10 to 30 seconds a villager's child will appear at one of the two villagers. Both villagers, if any, will be removed from inventory in the first available inventory space, either 3 loaves or 12 carrots, potatoes or beetroot.


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