I got Minecraft Windows 10 Edition from the Microsoft Store and I would like to know if you can create a flat land, where you can also build tunnels / mines?
Should I take a picture on my PC of how to make one? If so, please answer my comment!
Yes, that would be very helpful
Here please: https://workupload.com/file/AK9JCVpn
Thanks for that, but if I dig there, then I can't build tunnels and such because the world is just 4 blocks thick. Do you still know what?
You can also specify how thick the map is when creating the world.
(At least I don't think I can look it up).
The structure and content of a super flat world can be adapted in the Java and Legacy console editions. Flat World customization is not available for Bedrock Edition.
That's what it says on a forum, but you can install maps yourself and then simply insert them. So a flat one that is 60 blocks deep or something like that
As far as I know, this is only possible in the Java version
Can you send me a link there?
Unfortunately I have none myself: /
You would have to go looking for something
If you ever find one there it would be nice if you could send me one:-)
Unfortunately, this is only possible with the Java Edition! (That makes the world fatter)