How do I find a suitable ingame name for me?


So far, my name is HaifishHD, the name has been created since I was about 11 years old and played Minecraft. Now I want a cool sounding name if you know what I mean. Does somebody has any idea?

I have already tried out of things that I like to create a name.

Since I'm interested in space and everything around it (so on stuff such as gravity or something), I thought that my name should have something to do with it, but unfortunately I can't think of anything.



- MarsGaming

- Saturner

- StarHunter

- AnubisHD

- VenusPlayerHD

- EarthPassenger

- BlinkingStar

- space control

- Graviplayer

- GravityStar

- XXgravityXX

- GravityX

- ForceStar

- ForceHunter

- Uranus

- planetary

- SuperStar

- TheBigBang

- Pluto Player

- Black Hole

- Black Pirate

- The Planet

- The Martian

- The Anubis


Wow, you have really worked hard 😄 nice


Please, I always try to help ^^


- FireStar

- UltraStar

- StarlightHD

- StarlightStar

- Gravity Fox

- The Gravity Rock

- MoonShadow

- Moonlight

- Moonlight Player

- Moony

- Mooney

- Uraltus

- SkinkXX

- Moonlightshadow

- XxMoonxX

- The Astro

- KeyMakerMoon

- KeyMakerMars

- Venus TheFirePlayer

- Milky Way

- Mercury

- MercuryStar

- The Jupiter

- The Graviter

- Planet Hunter

- Cosmica

- The Cosmic

- Cosmic

- CcosmicC

- Cosmo

- SpaceHunter


On us do-gooders


Old thanks xd


Nothing to thank for! ^^