Pubg or Fortnite, a novel by Lackaroman?


Do not complain about the grammar and rake tips (Ok, fun)

My question, are you more fan of realism or simplicity in games?

What makes Fortnite and Pubg different?

"How about if we hide here?"
Little Tim, playing Fortnite for the first time, asked the older Maximilian.

"In Fortnite you do not cam, what kind of loser are you?"

"But that's tactical!"


"Where is your Aim Tim?"

"Come on, we'll grab Tim!"


"No, do not forget to build"

What do we see here?
Tim wanted to be tactical, to hide in ambush, not to attract too much attention, Fortnite might be tactical but let's face it, campers are hated, noobs, do you want to achieve something, train your aim and speed!

It's the simplicity that makes "Hau Done" what Fortnite largely different from Pubg,

At Pubg, you can camp quietly, attack from ambush without being called a "HUUAANNSOHN" by the average player, because the player does it himself, that's the thing that makes the pubg more appealing to me, it's just the thing that you do too think with the brains, must consider good tactics,
Of course you also need teflex and good Aim, but it's not the only things that decide who wins!

I like games where there's realism, creativity, brains

I recommend something like Rainbow Six victories and even Minecraft, but no, not pvp, but not with sword and bow, but with Block!
I like games where the brain has to work a lot.

Thanks for reading up to this point, I wish you a nice day and hear your opinion!

A novel by Lackaroman


You already know that this page is good question and not UploadYourRoman r.i.p


It's just a Troll XD


Then you did not understand the meaning behind a troll that was not rudely believable and or funny




wy cna no won on tihs page speel? It maks me soooo mad!