Is it legal to remake a movie in Minecraft?


If I re-enact a famous movie in Minecraft that cuts, etc. And uploads, is that legal or would it be a violation of intellectual property rights? (Without the original music, everything homemade)


Yes. What would be illegal about it?


I do not think so. But it will definitely be tolerated


I always think of what you want to do with it, whether you want to use it commercially or something.


Yes is your own work, as long as your own name, music and audio

So you can copy the concept, but net 1 to 1


This usually depends on whether this is still processing within the meaning of Sections 3 and 23 UrhG or is already free use within the meaning of Section 24 UrhG.

if you re-enact the entire film scene by scene on the Minecraft medium and strive for the greatest possible similarity to the film, e.g. Use the voice recordings, background noise from the film directly, repeat the text 1: 1, in my opinion this would only be an editing. You would then need the consent of the rights holder for this.

However, if you adapt the film, e.g. Change the setting, record your own music and tune in, edit the text, let scenes out, change it, then this could already be free use, which does not require consent.


This is problematic, of course, because I think it's unlikely to get a response from Disney.


If you absolutely wanted to do this, you would have to carry out a risk assessment. How high is the risk that you will be prosecuted (if you publish it on YouTube there's already a certain risk) and what costs you have to expect etc etc