PC conversion to gaming PC?


We have a Fujitsu Celcius W410 around and yes, it is not a PC for gaming (Minecraft runs very well๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜’). Now I would like to convert it to a gaming PC to play games like GTA, Battlefield, R6 etc. But the problem is that I have no idea about PCs. I would uogradeb the PC so that one reaches a graphic from 6 to 8 from a scale 1-10.

Is it even possible to convert my PC so that you can play well? (Don't want to gamble on 4k with 120fps, but rather casual).

How much would the conversion cost?

What parts would you recommend?

Would the conversion make sense for its price or would a finished PC be more worthwhile?


It's hard to answer just like that. You can write to me and tell me more information, we will definitely find the right one for you.

I'm a passionate gambler and have put together my PC myself, so I know my way around.


Exact hardware, please. There are many different configurations of the PC.


Will not be so expensive


"Would the conversion make sense for its price or would a finished PC be more worthwhile?"

Upgrading on the PC is no longer worthwhile because the hardware is too old. Here I would rather recommend a new PC. Starting at 500 euro, a perfectly acceptable PC would be possible. For example this one:



Wouldn't it be possible to build a completely new PC yourself, so buy all the parts and then build them. Because even for assembling you want 100-200 euro more on the Internet?


Naturally. The assembly is not difficult anyway. If necessary, there are enough tutorials online for this.