What are good single player games right now?


I currently have a lot of time and am looking for an exciting game which at least in parts should be playable in single player (because otherwise I see the danger of losing XD). Do you have any recommendations apart from CoD, Fortnite and Minecraft etc?


Red dead redemption 2 (playable independently of 1) is one of the most detailed, best, and funniest games I've ever played.


Hmm So are you looking for single player games or not? I'll make a little list here…

Dark Souls series (also has multiplayer)

Kingdom Hearts


Final Fantasy

Golden Sun


Great meat boy



there are many games…


Hm, Titanfall 2 campaign, Skyrim, otherwise Guild Wars 1 is online but you can enjoy the storys completely by yourself.


Red dead Redemption 2. Very long game time, from Rockstar Games I can only recommend it is really addicting. If you like western and gta you will like the game. Simply a masterpiece

Alien isolation. It's more of a horror adventure if you know the alien films I can also highly recommend it

Oddworld New n 'Tasty. The game is a jump n run adventure game and the atmosphere is just amazing. Awesome story. However, one often dies and needs patience


Am looking for weeks on xD the game just doesn't end. I love it


Really great game. Very interactive npcs. You almost feel bad about killing, robbing or kidnapping someone 😇


I tie up and always burn people xD yes but I know what you mean. I haven't played such a good game in a long time. Too bad I was spoiled


Please do not spoil. I'm not quite through yet either 👉🙌👈


Attacking a train is the most fun


Don't worry I don't do that


One should know what you like. Shooter? Then give Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands a try. Just a fantastic game.

SniperElite4 and Just Cause 3/4 are also highly recommended.

If you are more into adventure, then the TombRaider series is a must.

Building games are Anno1800 and CitySkylines the classics. I've already missed sleep a night or two