How do I live right?


How do I live right? I feel like I'm doing everything wrong and everything is wrong for the way I'm living right now. I imagine my ideal life but then I wonder what then? Is that right? Is it wrong? What is right and wrong? What if it doesn't satisfy me I don't know if people even ask this question, but I just wonder how I should live and everyone has a different idea of life so there's no clear way of life. So I don't know how to live properly. Am I living right now or not? Yes, how should you know if I don't even know. But right now I just feel helpless with my pathetic life and I don't know which way to go. I just can't make up my mind. I just always want to choose the best right option, but most of the time it doesn't exist and that's why I'm always trapped in my life. Should I meet friends now or rather study. Should I rather think about my future or enjoy life now? Blah blah, etc. And no, I'm not religious and I don't want any god to guide me and tell me what is supposedly right and wrong (sorry). And scientific studies say sports, relationships, etc. Make you happy in life, but it is right to be happy in life. Then I could e.g. Sitting at my PC every day, playing Minecraft with internet friends, but I know it's not right. Many are for and against and I just can't take a clear position. I just want to do the right thing and decide… Help. How do I have to live or is it not right if you tell me how I have to live?


Just make decisions every day that get you ahead, it may well be that the other would have been better, but this will teach you that the main thing is that you do something instead of just worrying about what is best, most efficient or funniest, it there's no perfect "The journey is the goal"

After that you can reflect on whether that jz brought me further or not

And if you find it difficult to make decisions, you might try to set yourself a time limit, just do it


But what if that makes me make big mistakes in life?


You live best when you feel good. So easy.

So difficult. Because you know that you feel good when you gamble. But you also know that just gambling is wrong. Answer: Average does it. You can gamble. You just can't make it your purpose in life! You have to find your talents - your hobbies. In itself, this is found in childhood. You try out a lot, discard a lot and stick to what you can do. You kind of missed that. So you will now start looking to find what you can refuel with - what gives you joy and gives you strength. Mental power. So that you can put away other things that are not so positive.

And what you should do first: meet friends or do HA? Well - it's very simple: first work, then pleasure. Then you have a clear conscience that you have already completed your tasks.

And don't imagine your life. It will certainly turn out differently than you think. That's also a Murphys Law.

Do you always want to live the best possible way? Hmh. Everybody makes mistakes. That's human. Forgive yourself your mistakes! And learn from it. Get up again, set up your crown and then it goes on - this time with more knowledge.


What is better to do nothing or make mistakes every now and then. Mistakes are part of it, mistakes are nothing negative, everyone makes them. Everyone fails, you just have to pull yourself up and move on. That's how you grow. Nobody needs to expect to do everything perfectly right away, especially at a young age. You need these experiences.


When I'm not allowed to gamble in my life. What can I put in then? Hobbies? Talents? Who Says It's Right? What if I have a knack for gambling?

Yes you are right. I missed this in my childhood. : - /

With the learn and friends. But when I study, I let my friends down and get a guilty conscience for it too.

I think a rough life plan is right? Or is that wrong? 😔

What if I make too big mistakes or keep repeating the same mistake?


If you keep making the same mistakes over and over, you haven't learned anything - right?

I wrote in my answer that you can gamble! By "purpose of life" I meant that gambling shouldn't be your only hobby! Was that so hard to understand?

And every student has time for both: for the HA and for the friends afterwards.

A life plan doesn't really make sense. Because it turns out differently…

I feel myself repeating myself right now.


Sorry, I'm not very good at comprehending texts. Thanks for explaining to me again. I also wanted to see that you might change your position through my inquiries.


Rely on your feelings or learn to perceive them. Body sensations (i.e. Affects) are very important. If you e.g. When you decide to do something, your body uses affects to signal whether the decision fits your needs or not. E.g. It can be that after the decision you feel a feeling of space, relief or anticipation. Or it can be that you have a feeling of tightness, pressure, tension. These are the important affects that one has to "read".

If you do not have such sensations directly, imagine that you have achieved the goal (e.g. When you decide to study something). Does the idea that you have achieved the goal have anything emotional about you? Perhaps a feeling of satisfaction or pride? These are the important "markers" to watch out for.

When you get closer to a goal that fits your needs, it increases your satisfaction, the activity is fun, you may experience "flow". For example, let's say you want to learn to play the piano. If that fits your needs, you will be a bit happier after practicing because your system registers: "I'm approaching a goal that is important to me". If the Zirl does not suit your needs, nothing changes in your well-being after practicing.

In order to pursue goals that fit your needs, you have to be self-disciplined, persistent and sometimes you have to communicate unpleasant things (e.g. That you no longer want something). But it's absolutely worth it.

And also have respect for vague ideas and ideas. Sometimes it is worthwhile to work out vague ideas (e.g. I notice that I somehow want to go to the sea, but I don't know where exactly). Even such vague ideas have value; everything does not always have to be worked out immediately.

And no, decisions are never perfect and they never will be. It is sufficient if the decision is essentially correct, or if you can essentially agree to the option. You can still "readjust". Anyone who chooses the falscje subject can change. Those who have the wrong life partner can split up, etc.

And gambling, etc. Is allowed as long as other important things do not fall by the wayside.


Thank you very much for sharing your personal experience with me!

I'm 18 years old and have just become a (FH) student, so unfortunately I'm not yet familiar with money and such. To be clear: You want me to invest in games, alcohol, seminars or whatever so that I can finally do something instead of complaining? But I don't think that that makes you happy in the long run. Should I find something that fulfills me through this? And what do you mean by freedom to buy?

I'm sorry that you're feeling really bad about your current situation and I really appreciate that you trusted me with your experience! I hope that you will be better in the future and that you will find something that really makes you happy inside in the long run!


I put it wrong, I think games, alcohol wouldn't be so great… I mean you should invest in your knowledge etc. Instead of alcohol etc.

Buy freedom. Everyone thinks he is free so far. Freedom is great, for example. Suppose you go into Edeka and want to get some food without having to look at your account every time. Some who earn 3000 net have that too. They also have the problem. Larger apartment, etc. People often look at the KOnto.


As a somewhat older semester in this community, I fear that it will come down to this God leading you whether you like it or not. How should you imagine that? Certainly not as an old, bearded man who keeps you on a leash. But life will lead you; Show you the way where to turn, run straight, start running, stop or even turn back.

What helps is attention. It is not always possible to set priorities. Imagine your child has a theater performance in school and at the same time you have a very important meeting in your company. There are no priorities here and yet you have to make a decision, since both are not possible at the same time. And more importantly, no matter how you choose, you will always feel like you've chosen the wrong thing. You have to learn to deal with this tension, because such ambiguous situations occur again and again in life.

So again: attention, full concentration on what you have just decided. Life is here and now. And when you look back and mourn all other unselected options, then you miss your life with daydreams. To live means to decide and to decide means to exclude certain possibilities at the moment in order to concentrate on a certain one. And at this point I come full circle to my first section: Life will guide you and show you, but first you have to decide. There's no leadership without a decision. Nobody can do this for you.

All the best