Can you play with a GT 710 LS 19?


I recently built a gaming PC and my graphics card broke so for the time being I got myself a GT 710 as a replacement. Do you think the game is farming simulator 19? I'm aware that it will not look great, of course, but it is almost playable is only temporarily… As an info if you need a comparison in minecraft, I have high settings of 60 fps, do you mean the shaft is also ls 19?


Yes, but probably on the lowest graphics settings in 1080p or less

do you have the DDR3 or the GDDR5 version?

With the DDR3 version the whole thing should run in 720p at most


I have the ddr5 version


Don't know if you're reading that, but do you mean the gt 710 creates a call of duty warzone, so the farming simulator runs smoothly with about 40 fps


No, not going well. You won't have smooth gameplay.
If you want to know if you can make a game, just check it out on YouTube