How does it work?
/ give @p 20: [number for color] [number]
The colors go from 0-18 I think maybe further
/ give @s glass [number]
have not tried it yet but with wood it is easy to try it!
A corresponding list with the required IDs can be found here:
Is that the case at Bedrock?
The commands should actually be the same
Tried it but it doesn't work.
I think on the Bedrock you can't give IDs and fill etc. To use
Then I don't know what to do, sorry
/ give NAME FARBE_stained_glass
e.g. E.g.
/ give JustinShafique white_stained_glass
For a list of all colors see here under "Data Values"
Dude that is completely outdated. So it went in 2014.
It worked with wood but not with glass
Ok a shame but with the ID's it is unfortunately not yet possible on the Bedrock version🙁