Does anyone find the error in the following command?


Hi. I'm desperate for days on this command, someone finds the error?

/ give @p minecraft: villager_spawn_egg {EntityTag: {profession: librarian, level: 99, type: jungle}, Invulnerable: 1, Silent: 1, NoAI: 1, CustomName: "\" Survival Guide \ "", Offers: { Recipes: [{buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 3}, sell: {id: bread, Count: 10}, rewardExp: 0b, maxUses: 9999999}, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 10}, sell: {id: iron_sword, Count: 1}, maxUses: 9999999}, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 15}, sell: {id: shield, Count: 1}, maxUses: 9999999}, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 30}, sell: {id: trident, Count: 1}, maxUses: 9999999}, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 64}, sell: {id: ender_pearl, Count: 1 , tag: {display: {Name: "\" Escape the Temple \ "", Lore: ["\" With this Enderperle you can escape back up to the spawn room. \ ""]}}}, maxUses: 9999999 }, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 64}, buyB: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 20}, sell: {id: crossbow, Count: 1, tag: {display: {Name: "\" Mummies Slayer \ ""}, Enchantments: [{id: piercing, lvl: 4}, {id: quick_charge, lvl: 3}]}}, maxUses: 9999999}, {buy: {id: gold_nugget, Count: 1}, sell: { id: arrow, Count: 1}, maxUses: 9999999}]}}

Minecraft Java 1.14.4

For technical reasons I need this villager as spawnegg. / summon is not an option for me: /

Does anyone find the error in this command or knows a / give generator, with which one can create the Spawnegg with trades?


Although I find no mistake but blatant in any case! Cool!


Last line: "}]}}" is wrong… Would have to be "}}}} or"}}} "- or not?!


No, then a square bracket would not be closed



Can you perhaps send me a screenshot where you can stop the trades? Unfortunately, do not find that.