Minecraft simple scoreboard?


Hi. Is it possible to create a Minecraft Scoreboard, which is individual for each player and each player sees for himself?

The scoreboard should count the Xp for the player (16 Xp balls in Minecraft = 1 XP level in the scoreboard)

Is that possible? And if so how?


Yes that is of course possible. To do this, in theory you would have to "assign" each player a scoreboard at the join event. In practice, this might look something like this within the event:

Scoreboard scoreboard = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager (). GetNewScoreboard ();
Objective Objectives = scoreboard.registerNewObjective ("abcd", "abcd");
objektive.setDisplaySlot (DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR);
objektive.setDisplayName ( "§eScoreboard");
. Objektive.getScore ( "§aSpielername") sets core (3);
. Objektive.getScore (. Event.getPlayer () getDisplayName ()) sets core (2); // Player Name
. Objektive.getScore ( "") sets core (1);
objektive.getScore ( "§aEXP-Count") sets core (0).
. Objektive.getScore (. Event.getPlayer () getTotalExperience ()) sets core (-1); // XP
event.getPlayer () sets core board (score board).

Important: This example is just an idea and will certainly not work if you copy it to your code 1 to 1, because I wrote this code in the editor xD

Greeting _sq


Thanks! There's only one problem: I know almost nothing about Java at all. Could you vlt. A klitze little plugin create from it? Vlt. Also with config? Only if it does not matter, of course.


I'm sorry, but unfortunately I have to disappoint you. I'm here to help people with programming, but not to slurge the code for others. This will help you with my code example above 100%!


Greeting _sq