Right now I'm working on Java and can (for 2 days learning) quite certainly the first and simplest things.
But now my question: is it hard to play games like. To reprogram Minecraft (which was programmed with Java)? So change the code of the client as you want it.
And to make it clear, no not for benefits.
So if someone is familiar with that… Do you just have to be good at basics, or can you already be experienced in adapting to Java programmier games?
Most games can't be "reprogrammed" because they are not in the source code. If it does, it's easy.
At least the basics of the language used should of course be mastered.
Minecraft can be reprogrammed.
There are many published clients that have been modified by other programmers.
However, most are created for benefits.
But also only the Minecraft version, which is based on Java. The variant for mobile devices or Win10 Shop not.
He has written "If so…"
I just wanted to make it clear that it works.
It's not easy. Not Minecraft. There's a reason why the game developer training takes several years and not two days. If, then start with something small. Maybe with a mod or something.
For your experience? Almost impossible. This requires a solid basic knowledge and good knowledge of the used libraries. Or at least the will and the knowledge to acquire this knowledge.
Problem is: You have to be able to read the code first. Depending on the quality of the code, this is easier or more difficult. In any case, the skills that allow you to find out which code actually makes what you need.
And apart from that, it's more like a lot of work.
For people with solid programming skills, it's more of an annoying task than a difficult one. (Except the code is bad then it is particularly annoying and difficult)
the tip of Arazorn is good. First start with modding. There you can learn about MC's structure and it's easier to have a sense of achievement.
Jo, there are some challenges…
Minecraft itself is not open source, other programs certainly use an API, or the said "other programs" are open source.
To read the Minecraft code yourself, you would have to rummage through a disassemblage, which is extra hard to read.
It also has its pitfalls for professionals, but even beginners will find it difficult to read foreign code. Without a basic understanding of code guidelines, software architecture, design patterns… Will you often wonder why someone is doing what he's doing there.
Sorry, but you take the question, after a weekend and just a bit of "basics" you can't do anything professional, no matter what. When it comes to analogue hobbies of all kinds, everyone understands that. Only novice programmers like to get cocky and set too high goals for themselves.
I did not want to suggest with my question that I want to reprogram a Minecraft client, but that I want to know how hard it is.
Your criticism has almost completely hit the nail on the head and has helped me a bit.
I realize that I can't immediately immerse myself in programming and do what I want, but should start small.