Good Bedwars Legit Velocity Client for Minecraft (unlegit)?


Some of you may know the 4l3c client. Link:

This is good for Bedwars because it has a good legit velocity that you can toggle. What I mean is that when you hit the velocity you are "activated" and you don't get knockback horizontally (forwards, backwards) but only vertically (upwards). Just like when you stop knockback reduced.

My problem is that if the Velocity togglet is also toggled the range and it is recognized by the anticheat pretty quickly and you will be banned.

Are there other clients that also have such an intelligent velocity? Didn't find anyone else. Would give me serious answers.




A hack client was asked


Sry xD


Liquid Bonces may have it. Was the only hack client I used years ago. I have played legit since the Gomme Ban ramals.

Hope I could help you anyway LG ^^