Trapped in Minecraft?


I don't have a keyboard right now. I'm in Minecraft right now and can't get out, only have a mouse. What can I do?


The only possibility is probably to switch off the pc with the button, if that is possible, and then to start again.


You can go into a workbench or an oven, or a chest wherever you can move the mouse. Then you can click on the small cross in the upper right corner.


Connect a keyboard or turn off the PC manually.


What can I do?

Either you connect a keyboard, for example let yourself be killed by a mob (then you can exit the game in the pause menu) or you turn off your PC.

However, I find it questionable why you started Minecraft without a keyboard on your PC at all. Did the keyboard break while playing? Is your PC not password protected?


After reboot go in

Settings → Ease of Access → Interaction → Keyboard → Device without a physical keyboard → Use on-screen keyboard → ON

You can get it when you press [ALT] and [TAP].
Hold down [ALT] with your left thumb, you can switch between the displays with one of the remaining fingers.

Better go to any market and get one.
They only cost a few euro.