Need help with Java


I have a problem with Java. I got the days minecraft and wanted to download some extras (Optifine etc.), but I need Java for that. Actually, every computer or lapi has Java on it, so start right away. Download for Optifine ran without problems, then I see oh, there's an Explorer icon. Wanted to unpack… Nope ned. Then I wanted to open Java like that, it does not work either… It just opens a download again.

So looked at with 100000 tutorials.

Nothing helped…

Could someone help a stupid lady who is too stupid for such a thing in her distress?

and yes btw. I have Java completely deleted from the lapi and reinstalled… Same problem.


Not every computer has java on it, how come dadrauf?

Java is already included in minecraft in the normal case.

If you want to run other java programs you should install it again separately. Sometimes you have to do it through the commandline because that's not what you want. So just "java -jar filename.jar" into the cmd should be enough if you are in the right folder and java is in the path.


Java is a software that needs to be installed.

It is by no means "on every computer on it". Also, be careful who you give permission to use Java. For example, I advise against allowing the surf internet browser.


Thanks, but I downloaded it from the site but it just could not be… I have no idea what I'm doing wrong… Optifine and the fun I'm even as a jar. Darein displayed but unpack / open I can just stop it ned…


"… Optifine and the fun…" - what does that mean. Please speak in clear sentences and be specific.

Do not do the third step before the first. Go to the Control Panel and find out if Java is installed properly. Cold start before that.

After that we will continue.

Sign plugin broken? Se SergioJagger