Which shader should I use?

- in Launchers

I have the following problem with the shaders in Minecraft LITW.
I downloaded the shaders in the launcher and now I have pixel errors, which I circled in red on the attached image. It is with all shaders and if I download a shader from various sites then they don't work at all. I don't know what to do. It can't be because of my graphics card.

Which shader should I use

Which graphics card do you have and are the graphics drivers up to date?


I can only recommend Sildurs Shaders.

On his website he offers various presets, so there should be something for every taste and for every hardware.


I have a pretty good graphics card. I don't remember the name anymore. I got it new yesterday. My graphics drivers are all up to date.


I downloaded all Sildurs shaders from the launcher and I have the same problem with all of them


Then load CPU-Z and see which graphics card you have.


Unfortunately I don't know LITW, does that come with Optifine?


Unfortunately I don't know LITW, does that come with Optifine?


At LITW you download everything via the launcher and you also have to install the Optifine


It's an AMD Radeon R9 200 and it runs great on all games. It's a slightly older model


Then I would only remember that the shaders may not be compatible with the Optifine version.


It is with the launcher that it searches for you to download the things. So it can't be that. Both are for the same version


Oh soo now I know what it's all about. This is because the AMD graphics card says so. I use AMD myself a bit newer and different model than yours (RX580 from 2018) and I'm also not enthusiastic about Minecraft Shader Mod since the AMD graphics card. Because for me it is not as buggy as yours, but unfortunately I have a major problem due to FPS breaks. Because with the normal Minecraft world I reach a maximum of about 80 FPS, if I'm lucky maybe a little bit more. In the server lobby even go down to 12FPS. I can't remember such FPS drop and blatant 12FPS lag on my Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti. Because back then when I had GTX 1050 Ti, I had minimal 30FPS and could reach up to approx. 120 or 140FPS at Normal World. And with some shader packs, I also get funny bugs under the AMD card (hold not like yours and not like all shaders).

So I think it seems that the AMD graphics card for Minecraft Shader Mod is somehow not suitable for it. Therefore I will soon switch to Nvidia again and will buy GTX 1660 Ti or GTX 1660 Super soon.

And yes, even with the rest of the games, my AMD card runs more smoothly, just like yours.

And I'm afraid that Nvidia will welcome you too, if it's mainly about Minecraft shaders.


Jap is also because of it. Most shaders only run reliably on Nvidia cards


Yep I will actually have to get Nvidia.


This is because he has an AMD graphics card. And you shouldn't expect much from AMD graphics cards at Minecraft Shader. Unfortunately there has to be an Nvidia here.


I didn't know thanks. I'm loyal to NVIDIA.


I didn't know either. When the RX580 came out, I was happy at the beginning that I finally got a lot more FPS with Minecraft Shader Mod than with my GTX 1050 Ti, but I was already deceived because of more FPS fluctuations.

But really a shame, because otherwise my RX580 graphics card looks high-quality right from the processing.


Except for the price / performance everything feels better at Nvidia anyway


O.K., so I'm informed.