What to do in case of problem with Life in the woods for minecraft (am desperate)?

- in Launchers

I installed "Life in the Woods", opened it and went to "Install", then "play" and the Mojang loading screen appeared. There were two "loading bars" to see, but after they were filled out, and actually the Minecraft home screen should come, an error message appeared (see picture) I have tried everything I could find on the internet, including installing the global launcher and yet other. I do not know what to do and hope jmd can help me somehow. PS: If you do not know any further, do you have alternatives for life in the woods?

What to do in case of problem with Life in the woods for minecraft am desperate

Totally desperate? Sorry, despair is not.


But the error message is clear: OutOfmemory - Too little memory

How much memory (RAM) does your PC have? And how much have you assigned Life in The Woods? (Java parameter eg.: -Xmx6G)

So much you have not done this error is explained really fast on the net… Very common


My pc has 8 GB of RAM and of which 7.46 GB are usable


Then you should try to adjust the Java start parameters recommended would be 4GB


If it does not start after that, I would hit the limit of 6.5GB


Hope you find the Java settings in Life in The Woods.


Thanks, after the second code it almost worked (and I'm really too stupid for that) it closed, but I already read that somehow you have to create a shortcut on the desctop or something like that… I know I'm pretty stupid but could you also tell me what I have to do now?


Since there should be a folder called Windows, there's an install.bat file this run.


Thanks, now it works.